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Dear KPA tenants, we are running a Stop Crime Campaign.

Keep an eye on this page, every day this week a tip will be added to help you stay aware and vigilant.

#1 Prevent being robbed by not displaying your valuables such as jewelry and cell phones (please try not to make use of it while walking) in public. Please hold on tight to your handbag & wallet while in public, and constantly be aware of your surroundings.  #ActAgainstCrimeTogether!



#2 Never leave loose possessions unattended, place it in the boot of the car. Make sure to park vehicle behind locked gates or in a well-lit area, please try not to sleep in a stationary vehicle it is very dangerous. Remember to keep car windows closed, doors locked and remove the face of the radio if possible. #actagainstcrimetogether kpa management!



Please be alert at all times, when you are at an ATM. by all means never accept assistance from a stranger. Please remember to keep your pin number safe and not give it to anyone! #actagainstcrimetogether.



#4 Drugs and alcohol abuse makes you more vulnerable!
Drugs and alcohol makes you more vulnerable to sexual intimacy and other crimes. Please understand that different people respond differently to the same substances – know that it is dangerous and it can kill you! Most importantly know that: “it is not weak people who become drug users, but drug users who become weak people!”


#4.2 – Drugs & Alcohol abuse!

We would like to add on, that the more drugs you take the more you will need to sustain the habit. This can cause you to turn to crime and violence to make more money to sustain it. Remember it is not cool or fun to drink and drive, it can cause an accident and you can get seriously injured or go to jail because it is a serious offence! Please take care of yourselves. #actagainstcrimetogether!


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