- November 2, 2022
- News
Students have to take finals every year. You’d think by now that students would have figured out how to study effectively, but it hasn’t happened yet.
It’s the week we dread the most as college students and the week that nightmares are made of. At the end of each semester, professors all across the nation decide that the proper way to test your knowledge is to give you a big, fat final.
1. The Crammer
It’s unavoidable that we all feel sympathy for this poor soul, but we also feel spite toward him. We hope he gets what he has coming to him, and yet we feel sorry for him. He had to know he should have studied longer than just the night before the exam. Four hours is not enough time to get through 19 chapters! He totally made fun of us for studying for like the past week.
2. The Caffeine Addict
The one person who somehow has energy beyond belief. They may be running on three hours of sleep, but they’re reading 100 words per minute. All around them are empty red bulls and coffee cups, but they keep it coming. They are simply trying to stay awake and finish the week strong.
3. The Show Off
The smarty-pants of the group, the Show Off don’t need to study. He’s got everything stored up in his brain already. He’s the guy who will come to study sessions with you, but only to help you out. He legitimately thinks quizzing you will help. Despite his best efforts, he makes you want to throw a notebook at him.
4. The Procrastinator
We all have a little bit of this person in us. This student is constantly looking down at their phone. They are big fans of study breaks that are longer than their actual study time. This usually goes on for hours instead of seconds. They might even throw in a couple of episodes on Netflix. They will most likely be cramming, but it will all eventually get done.
4. The Overachiever
The person you low-key hate. They have been studying for months and don’t have a worry in the world. They know the subject like the back of their hand. He or she may have to brush up on a little bit of reading but they do not have to spend hours on end trying to get their life together.