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Guidelines 6 – 10

6. Things To Remember After Moving In

  • Complete a thorough inventory of your apartment/room.
  • Give a copy of the inspection form to KPA and keep a copy for your files.
  • It is important to communicate with KPA. Keep the lines of communication open.
  • Remember to respect each other’s privacy.
  • Once you have moved into your new apartment, keep in mind that KPA is the managing agent of the property and can enter it to make inspections or repairs or to show the property to other prospective tenants.


7. Roommate and Housemate Relationships

It is important to develop a roommate “Bill of Rights”: you, your roommate and your housemates need:

  • To read and study undisturbed in your rooms;
  • To sleep without interference from roommates;
  • To respect each other’s personal property;
  • To maintain a clean living environment;
  • To allow guests to be there, as long as they respect the rights of others;
  • To feel free from physical and emotional harm;
  • To share the all allowed conveniences.

Whether KPA have already selected you a roommate or are in the process of finding one, it is often helpful to discuss your common concerns. You can reduce the likelihood of disagreements by coming to some basic agreements about your living arrangements.

7.1 Possible Negative Roommate/Housemate Situations

  • One tenant has his or her family or friends to stay over on a continual basis, which crowds the living situation. No sleepovers are allowed at any times and a fine will be issued.
  • One tenant is disruptive and the other tenant is not.

7.2 Things to Consider

  • What are your study habits? Do you study with or without music? In the morning or at night?
  • What are your socializing habits?
  • What are your thoughts on cleanliness and neatness?
  • What are your thoughts on borrowing clothes and other personal belongings from each other?
  • What are your thoughts on hosting friends, boyfriends, girlfriends and guests?
  • What are your thoughts on buying and sharing food?
  • Do you drink? Do you smoke? To what degree can you tolerate these behaviours?
  • What will be your housekeeping responsibilities?
  • Finally, how will you resolve differences?

7.3 Tips on Reducing Tension between Roommates/Housemates

  • Have a clear verbal (or written) understanding of each other’s lifestyle, how the commune is to be managed and what is expected of each other, especially with regards to guests and noise. Do this in writing and make sure every student in the commune is aware of that is expected from him/her.
  • Have regular house meetings to discuss common house rules and discuss problems/issues among house mates.


8. Tenant Relationships

Remember that an individual entering into any kind of rental agreement should make an effort to know all rights and responsibilities. Communicate with one another. It is important to be honest with each other.

KPA offers assistance through our office that can help you with tenant problems.

9. Repairs To Your Dwelling

Follow these steps to begin the process:

  • Make a list of damages/repairs to your dwelling within 3 days of moving in. Having this documentation gives you a place to begin.
  • Write KPA a letter and keep a copy for yourself. Always put your requests in writing and specify how and when you would like KPA to respond. For example: “Please put in a request to fix the air conditioner this week and a copy of the work request to the following address. “
  • Send the letter to KPA via mail or hand delivered at our offices.
  • If KPA does not reply, you can send a mail to to help you get the repairs made. To make an appointment visit our office. An inspection by one of these representatives will generate a report that may assist you in getting the repairs done.
  • Allow a reasonable time for KPA maintenance to respond first.


10. Tenant Tips

  • Always get a written receipt from KPA when you pay rent or a deposit.
  • If you have a written lease, find out your rights and responsibilities.
  • If something needs to be fixed, be sure of who will pay for it, because you may have to fix it or pay for it.
  • Give a written notice of what needs to be repaired and wait a reasonable amount of time for a response.

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