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Guidelines 11 – 17

11. Home Security

11.1 Exterior Doors

Exterior doors and windows should:

  • Be core wood or metal;
  • Fit the frame tightly (no more than 1/8 inch clearance);
  • Be well-lit;
  • Have hinges on the inside and not the outside;
  • Not be blocked by trees or bushes;
  • Have a deadbolt with a one-inch chain (chain locks and/or knob locks are not sufficient) or a security burglar door.

11.2 Sliding Glass Doors and Windows

  • Windows should not be covered by trees and bushes.
  • A solid strip of wood or metal in the track canreinforce sliding glass doors and windows.
  • Sliding glass doors and windows have special key locks, also found in hardware stores.

11.3 Keys

  • Protect yourself by never putting identification tags on your key ring or key holder. If your keys are ever lost, intruders will find you!
  • Never hide a key outdoors.

11.4 Keep Your Safety in Mind

  • Keep all doors and windows locked.
  • Never let strangers into your home without proper identification, including maintenance, service or garden- and pool service.
  • Do not panic if your home has been entered. Do not go into the unit. Contact the SAP.
  • Report to KPA as soon as possible.
  • Make sure all entranceways and stairwells in your house or apartment are well-lit.
  • Do not automatically open the door when someone knocks. Ask who it is; if you have questions about the response, do not hesitate to keep the door locked.
  • Be sure that your alarm system (if applicable) is working; check the batteries on a monthly basis.
  • You can also arrange with KPA to provide you with a remote panic button, keep in mind that these costs will be for your account.
  • Identify cleaning staff, maintenance, pool services and garden service, do not allow any unknown or unidentified people claiming to do any work on the premises as this is a tactic for criminals to enter your commune.

11.5 Off-Campus Housing Security Checklist

Along the exterior of the building:

  • Are the building and grounds well-maintained?
  • Are the entryways, sidewalks and parking areas well-lit? Are they visible from the street?
  • Are exterior doors and gates kept locked?

11.6 Doorways and Windows within the Unit

  • What kind of security does the unit have: knob locks, chain, deadbolt locks or peephole? Deadbolt locks provide the best security. The unit should have more than one locking system.
  • Can the main entryway be easily seen from the street, even at night? Is the entryway well-lit?
  • Do trees, weeds or bushes obscure doors and windows?
  • Are curtains, shades or blinds provided?
  • Are security bars or screens provided if it is a ground or basement unit?
  • All windows that can open should have burglar bars.

11.7 Other Considerations

  • Are doors to the laundry room kept locked? Are residents given keys?
  • KPA’s policy about issuing and replacing keys? All replacing of keys/locks will be for the tenants account. If locks are changed to a different lock on the student’s request, the cost will be for the tenant/student.
  • Know your roommates’/housemates’ security habits. You are only as safe as your roommates/housemates allow you to be!
  • Ask about the turnover rate of residence. A high turnover rate may indicate problems with the area or unit.
  • Talk with prospective neighbours. Do they feel safe?
  • Call the local police and ask about the rate and types of crimes in the neighbourhood.


12. Electricity and Prepaid Electricity

Note that electricity consumption are limited per household (refer to your contract on the maximum limit per month) to an amount per student per month.

12.1 Arrangements on prepaid electricity.

One person in the commune should take responsibility for the prepaid meter and check the units on a frequent basis to ensure that you don’t run out of electricity at night or over weekends. Should this happen prepaid electricity can be bought at any PnP, most garages and Spar (almost all trading stores sells prepaid electricity).

If you buy your own electricity make sure you have the correct meter number with you as you will need the meter number before you can purchase electricity. The meter number can be found on the meter.

KPA will provide each commune with an electricity voucher every month from the 25th for the following month, coupons can be obtained at our offices on campus. Full records of purchases are kept at the office and students are welcome to obtain copies of the monthly purchases.

Notify KPA office well in advance if your electricity units are low (DO NOT WAIT UNTILL YOUR LAST UNITS RUN OUT). This will give KPA sufficient time to create and send you a new electricity coupon. Bear in mind that systems could be off line, sometimes for hours or days.

Before leaving for the school holidays make sure that the units on your meter are sufficient to last for the duration of your holiday. Necessary arrangements can be made with KPA offices.

This is very important as food in fridges can spoil or rot and on your return you will be welcomed by a terrible smell of rotten meat ect.

12.2 Tips on how to save electricity.

Switch off lights that are unnecessarily on (e.g. outside lights).
Switch off all electrical appliances when leaving your room or any other room in the commune.
Limit heaters to a minimum during winter.
Do not use heaters during peak hours of the day (e.g. 7-9am and 4-8pm).
Bar heaters and oil heaters are heavy on electricity and should not be used, when purchasing a heater ask your supplier to advise you on cost effective heaters.
Limit shower/bath time to 10 minutes per person – remember your house mates also need a hot shower.

12.3 How to deal with continual power failures

Unplug all excessive electrical appliances, overloading may cause continuous power failures. Avoid too many electrical appliances in your room.
Check the main switchboard (DB board) and make sure no circuit breakers have tripped.
Check all your electrical appliances and make sure no old or faulty appliances are plugged in, as this can cause power failures. Should KPA send an electrician on your request to check the cause of the problem and it is found that it was caused by faulty equipment the cost will be for your account.

13. General Information

13.1 Selection of “Sub wardens”

Each commune should vote for a sub warden of their choice that will represent his/her commune and will be the communication between KPA and the commune, we would like to have the names and cell numbers of the sub wardens as soon as possible.

Responsibilities of sub wardens (make the necessary arrangements to get the following in order):

  • Safety and security of the commune: Crime is a reality and it is of utmost importance that all outside doors and gates remain locked at ALL TIMES.
  • During the holiday seasons the last person to leave the house should make sure that the commune is safely locked and alarms set (if available). Inform the office of the period that the commune will remain unoccupied /empty.
  • Overall tidiness of the communal areas: The communal areas should remain in a clean and hygienic condition at all times, please ensure that the necessary roasters/timetables are set up.
  • Contribution of general cleaning products: all residence should make the necessary contributions of general cleaning products for your own use, black refuse bags and globes. Should KPA provide any of these items it will be charged to the student’s accounts.
  • NBNB!!! If you leave the commune for a period or holidays ensure that allperishable foods are removed from any fridges and switch off all fridges in your rooms.

13.2 Cleaning Program

All student houses/communes should have a cleaning service and a roaster of days and times when cleaning services are done and by whom (roasters can be obtained from our offices).

All students should make the following contribution to general cleaning products:

Dishwashing liquid
Dish swaps
Pot crouches
Handy Andy
Black refusal bags
If any of the above items are supplied by KPA cost will be charged to student accounts.

13.3 Responsibilities of Cleaning Staff

Kitchen: Clean surface area, sweep/mob floors, wash dustbin, clean stove and microwave (oven monthly), clean fridge monthly, dust*. NO DISHES WILL BE DONE BY ANY CLEANING STAFF

Lounge: Vacuum/mob and dust* (move all furniture from walls) wipe light switches.

Passage: Mob/Vacuum and dust* wipe light switches, dust*.

Bathrooms: Wash bathtub, scrub showers, clean mirrors, wash toilet, dust*

Stoop&Courtyard, outside: Sweep/mob stoop areas, clean courtyard, clean dustbins, clean drain areas, wipe/sweep windowsills.

Laundry: Clean laundry area at least every 2 weeks

Bedrooms: Enter maximum once a week. Vacuum/sweep&mob move furniture from walls, dust* (Cleaners are not allowed to enter any rooms without supervision or permission from the owner of the room, KPA will take no responsibility for lost items). KPA cleaners will not make any beds, pick clothes/laundry from the floor or remove any items from the desk to clean it).

(*dust: all windowsills, curtain rails and light fittings)

13.4 Collection of household refusal bags

Mangaung local Municipality collects household refuse bags on a weekly basis on the following days:

Brandwag – Wednesday
Universitas – Thursday

Ensure that all household refuse are ready for collection on these days in the appropriate black refuse bags (No refuse in plastic shopping bags will be collected)

Refuse should be placed in the area in front of the commune outside the gate.

Uncollected refuse for long periods can cause insect and rat infestation, KPA will remove uncollected refuse bags and charge student accounts.

13.5 Rental Accounts/Payments

Rent can be paid at our offices in cash/cheque OR Electronic bank transfer/stop order/Bank Debit orders (forms available at our office). Please make sure that you use your surname and address as your reference and not student numbers. Our bank details appear on your statement. Statements will be sent out on a monthly basis before the 25th of each month, make sure you received your statement. Rent are payable in advance before the 5th of each month, payments received after the 7th will be penalized for late payment, make sure your rent is paid promptly before the cut of date. For any queries or correction on accounts please contact the office. All statements will be sent to the students at your communal address, contact our office if you want to make arrangements for statements to be sent to a different address.

13.6 Pool/Garden services

All communes should have a garden service and pool service at least once a week, if any problems please contact our office.

14. Important Phone Numbers


To be assisted by the South African Police Service (SAPS), dial the telephone number 10111 from anywhere in South Africa. A call centre operator will answer the incoming call, take all necessary particulars and assign a Flying Squad patrol vehicle or the local police station to attend to the incident. For alternative or additional assistance from the SAPS, you can use the following SAPS station telephone numbers:

  • Vodacom Toll free Parkweg 082 112.
  • NATIONAL 10111
  • Parkweg Police Station 051 507 6003
  • Medi-Clinic Hospital – 051 404 6666.
  • Netcare Hospital – 051 407 1500.
  • Pelenomi Regional Hospital – 051 405 1911.
  • Rosepark Hospital – 051 505 5111.
  • Universitas Private Hospital – 051 506 3500.
KPA Cell number 072 088 0166
Client Service UFS office 051 411 2600
Accounts 40 Groenewoudt Street 051 522 4850
After hours 082 459 3309

You can use the cell phone number to sms or phone your requests/complaints e.g. prepaid electricity vouchers.

15. Points To Remember

We want you to have a good experience at KPA. In order to ensure this, it will be helpful if you remember these points:

  • You have the ability to portray a positive image for yourself and your institution.
  • You are expected to act as a responsible and contributing member of your community.
  • Some of your neighbours could be key people in the fields you wish to enter. Poor relations with them could hamper an otherwise positive connection with your future.

It is in KPA’s best interests that we tell you what some of the consequences of disruptive behaviour in our surrounding neighbourhoods could be:

  • Property owners could face sanctions related to your behaviour and this could lead to the loss of accommodation for you.
  • If you lose a positive reference from KPA, a search for other off-campus housing options could be difficult.
  • Frequent complaints may result in a meeting with KPA, final notices and eviction.

Please create the most positive options for yourself and your neighbours.

16. KPA: House Rules and Regulations

The rules of conduct shall be binding on the lessee/occupants as well as on any visitor and worker and forms part of your contract.

This means that steps must be taken against a lessee/occupant not complying with the rules.

It is therefore important that you, as a lessee/occupant, are well conversant with the provisions of the rules.

All lessee’s/occupants is jointly and severally responsible for the property.

The following rules are pertinently brought to your attention:

16.1 Animals, Reptiles and Birds

A Lessee/occupant of the property/section shall not keep any animals.

16.2 Refuse Disposal

A lessee/occupant of a section shall maintain in hygienic and dry conditions and use the provided receptacle for refuse within his section.

  • Ensure that refuse is placed securely in such receptacle, or in the case of tins or other containers, that such tins or containers are completely drained.
  • No building or gardens refuse allowed in receptacle.
  • No refuse may be left on any portion of the common property whether in a container or not.

16.3 Vehicles

Lessees/occupants of sections shall ensure that their vehicles and the vehicles of their visitors and guests do not drip oil or brake fluid on to the common property or in any way deface the common property.

  • Vehicles of the lessee or their guests may only be parked in areas specifically designated for this purpose.
  • No vehicles may be parked on the grassy areas
  • No owner/occupant shall be permitted to dismantle or affect major repairs to any vehicle.
  • Vehicles may not travel in excess of 10km/h on any portion of the common property. Visitors not complying may be requested to park outside property boundaries.
  • The owner may cause the vehicle be removed or towed away, at the risk and expense of the owner of the vehicle, any vehicle parked, standing or abandoned on the common property.

16.4 Damage, Alterations, or Additions to the Common Property

16.4.1 A Lessee/occupant of a section shall not mark, paint, drive nails or screws to there like into, or otherwise damage, or alter, any part of the common property without first obtaining the written consent of the         owner.

16.4.2 Notwithstanding sub-rule (1), an owner or person authorised by him may install:

  • Any locking device, safety gate, burglar bars or other safety device for protection of this section; or
  • Any screen or other device to prevent the entry of animals or insects provided that the owner have first approved in writing the nature and design of the device and the manner of its installation.
  • A lessee/occupant shall not construct or place any structure or building on his exclusive use area or common property without the prior written consent of the owner, and which will affect the scale of insurance premium, paid by the owner. Alterations and or additions for the lessees/occupant account/insurance.

16.4.3 The lessee shall not use his section, exclusive use area or any part of the common property, or permit it to be used, in such a manner or for such purpose as shall be injurious to the reputation of the property.

16.5 Signs and Notices

No occupant of a section, used for residential purposes, shall place any sign, notice, billboard or advertisement of any kind whatsoever on any part of the common property or of a section, as to be visible from outside the section, without the written consent of the owner first having being obtained.

16.6 Laundry

No washing will be allowed to hang from balconies, windows or any other section on the common property than the provided washing lines.

16.7 Storage of Inflammatory Material and other Dangerous Acts

An occupant shall not store any material, or do or permit or allow to be done, any dangerous act in the buildings or on the common property which will or may increase the rate of the premium payable by the owner on any insurance policy.

16.8 Eradication of Pests

The lessee shall keep his section free of white ants, borer and other wood destroying insects and to this end shall permit the owner, the managing agent, and their duly authorised agents or employees, to enter upon his section from time to time for the purpose as may be reasonably necessary to eradicate any such pests. The cost of the inspection, eradicating any such pests as may be found within the section, replacement of any woodwork or other material forming part of such section which may be damaged by any such pests shall be borne by the lessee of the section concerned.

16.9 Additional Rules

16.9.1 Residents must supervise their children and the children of their visitors so that no damage or nuisance is caused to the common property or other occupiers.
16.9.2 No persons are allowed to play with or damage the post-boxes, plants, shrubs, trees, gate/mechanism and/or swimming pool equipment. Any damage due to such action will be charged to the relevant lessee’s account.
16.9.3 The lessee is responsible for their visitor’s actions. Any damages caused by such persons, shall be for the lessee’s account. No hobby or any other activity on the common property which causes a nuisance for other tenants.
16.9.4Occupiers are responsible for their servant’s actions
16.9.5 No fireworks, crackers, rocket, firearms, airguns or any other instruments to be discharged on the property.
16.9.6 All facilities on the common property are for the exclusive use of the occupants and no outsiders/visitors will be allowed to use any of the facilities on the common property this includes the pool and braai area provided.
16.9.7 24 hours notice will be given to vacate the property as a result of my behaviour that includes, inter alia, partaking in drugs, alcohol abuse, and intentional damage to property, theft, assault or any other conduct that would result in the immediate termination of my lease.
16.9.8 The use of “HUBBLY-BUBBLYS” is prohibited and will be confiscated immediately.
16.9.9 The property will be utilised for no other purposes than for living purpose and will not allow any other person to occupy the property for any period (even overnight). The occupant will not cede any of the obligations in terms of the lease and will not sublet any part of the property.

16.10 Civility and Respect

In the interest of the complex/common property and working relations with all residents it is essential that we co-operate to maintain and improve the property, also to ensure that the manner in which we use the facilities on the property does not create a danger for other people or the complex.

16.11 Heaters

No bar or oil heaters will be allowed at any time. Only 2 heaters per household will be accepted. If more than two and bar or oil heaters are found on the premises, KPA will immediately confiscate them.

17. Bursaries

You are a BURSARY student signing a contract?

  • You must have an original bursary letter from your bursary stating that they will pay for you (on bursary letter it must state how much they will pay for you for the year).
  • There has to be a contact number for your bursary as well as astamp on it.
  • You have to bring your latest account from the university if you are not a first year
  • You have to bring your latest results from the university.
  • A parent must sign the contract and provide a proof income (pay slip or 3 months bank statements)
  • Everything the bursary does not pay for the student will be held accountablefor NB!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure what the maximum amount is that your bursary will pay for accommodation before signing the contract. Do not exceed the maximum amount unless a working parent can pay the difference.

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